Because cancer is so "complex", there are several signs that can indicate its presence.
The most common are listed below:
  • "Abnormal swelling that persist or continue to grow
  • Sores that do not heal
  • Weight loss
  • Changes in appetite 
  • Bleeding or discharge from any body orifice 
  • Offensive odor 
  • Difficulty eating, swallowing or breathing 
  • Loss of stamina 
  • Persistent lameness or stiffness
  • Difficulty in urinating or defecating"
If you notice any of the following signs in your dog, get them checked by a veterinarian as soon as you can. Earlier detection of cancer makes it easier to kill the disease, and chances of survival are much higher. 

If your dog is diagnosed with any type of cancer, don't feel helpless. There are many things you can do at home to help your dog. Home care is listed below:
  • "Watch for additional signs of illness. If they appear, contact your veterinarian
  • Feed only the food recommended by your veterinarian
  • Check carefully for any new lumps or bumps on a regular basis
  • Maintain your dog's usual routine whenever possible
  • Monitor your dog's weight, activity and general health
  • Dogs receiving chemotherapy may experience specific side effects. Discuss these with your veterinarian"

Feeding Recommendations
Dogs who are going through chemotherapy or radiation will have higher protein and energy "demands". Your veterinarian will give you specific feeding instructions to strengthen your dog and keep it healthy. 

*Owning a dog with cancer can seem hectic, especially for a busy owner. Don't get discouraged when you feel you don't have the time to tend to your dog. Make a chart like the one linked to help you. 

All quoted information taken from the Hill's pamphlet for cancer Cancer. N.p.: Hill's Pet Nutrition, 2001. Print.
Kirsteen Mowat
1/27/2013 03:15:18 am

Another couple of indications to look out for are;
cuts/wounds that don't heal
disinterested in exercising and going walks.
This was common in Rocco's early diagnosis.

Kayla Eggleston
2/12/2013 06:58:27 am

I would have never even thought about cuts/wounds not healing as an indicator of cancer. Thank you for sharing.


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