Cancer- "a condition associated with the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells within the body." 

These abnormal cells can create tumors which can grow to cause several different "painful and serious" complications. 

Several factors can contribute to the "likelihood" of you dog developing cancer. These factors include: age, breed, gender, and environment. 

Age: "Nearly half of all dogs over the age of 10 years old will develop cancer."
Breed: "Certain tumors are more common in specific breeds." For example: Boxers are pron to skin tumors, German Shepherds are pron to spleen tumors, and giant breeds are pron to bone cancer. 
Gender: Believe it or not; "some cancers develop under the influence of sex hormones", causing gender to be a contributing factor to cancer.
Environment: "Exposure to chemicals, such as: some pesticides and herbicides, and radiation" can cause cancer. 

Information taken from Hill's pamphlet for Cancer: Cancer. N.p.: Hill's Pet Nutrition, 2001. Print.

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