As you can see from the comments written below, the stories listed on other pages of this site, and from the dogs featured in the Say Woof to Cancer are not alone in this fight with canine cancer. There are other people out there experiencing the same issues you are. Maybe they cannot afford the treatment either, maybe they had to euthanize their dog too, maybe their dog has the same cancer your dog has, maybe their dog is the same breed of dog as matter what, you all have one thing in common: you are all battling canine cancer along side your best friend. As everyone knows, there is strength is numbers. It's important that you come together to make it more easy to overcome the tough obstacles canine cancer throws your way. Sure, one person can make a significant difference. I, alone, created this site, created the video, collected the donations, and touched the lives of many. However, it would not have been possible without the people who joined me with this project. Together we made the hard times a little easier. Together we helped find a cure. Together we made a difference. I encourage those of you struggling to find a local support group near you, or one online, so you can talk to others about your experiences with canine cancer. Why fight alone, when you can fight together? 
Terri Abbett
2/11/2013 05:08:25 am

It does help a lot to talk to others that are faced with canine cancer. There is an excellent canine cancer yahoo group.

Kayla Eggleston
2/12/2013 08:17:08 am

I have not looked into it, but I've heard a lot of good things from the Yahoo group

8/26/2013 02:44:03 pm

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1/7/2015 01:42:36 pm

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